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2015-09-11 09:44:551 简介:Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica-自然哲学的数学原理(英文版)
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica-自然哲学的数学原理(英文版):
《自然哲学的数学原理》(又译《自然哲学之数学原理》,拉丁文:Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica),是英国伟大的科学家艾萨克·牛顿的代表作。成书于1687年。
《自然哲学的数学原理》是第一次科学革命的集大成之作,它在物理学、数学、天文学和哲学等领域产生了巨大影响。在写作方式上,遵循古希腊的公理化模式,从定义、定律(即公理)出发,导出命题;对具体的问题(如月球的运动),他把从理论导出的结果和观察结果相比较。全书共分五部分,首先“定义”,这一部分给出了物质的量、  牛顿时间、空间、向心力等的定义。第二部分是“公理或运动的定律”,包括著名的运动三定律。接下来的内容分为三卷。前两卷的标题一样,都是“论物体的运动”。第一卷研究在无阻力的自由空间中物体的运动,许多命题涉及已知力解定受力物体的运动状态(轨道、速度、运动时间等),以及由物体的运动状态确定所受的力。第二卷研究在阻力给定的情况下物体的运动、流体力学以及波动理论。压卷之作的第三卷是标题是“论宇宙的系统”。由第一卷的结果及天文观测牛顿导出了万有引力定律,并由此研究地球的形状,解释海洋的潮汐,探究月球的运动,确定彗星的轨道。本卷中的“研究哲学的规则”及“总释”对哲学和神学影响很大。
THAT the PRINCIPIA of Newton should have remained so generally unknown in this country to the present day is a somewhat remarkable fact ; because the name of the author, learned with the very elements of science, is revered at every hearth-stone where knowledge and virtue are of chief esteem, while, abroad, in all the high places of the land, the character which that name recalls is held up as the noblest illustration of what MAN may be, and may do, in the possession and manifestation of pre-eminent intellectual and moral worth ; because the work is celebrated, not only in the history of one career and one mind, but in the history of all achievement and human reason itself; because of the spirit of inquiry, which has been aroused, and which, in pursuing its searchings, is not always satisfied with stopping short of the fountain-head of any given truth ; and, finally, because of the earnest endeavour that has been and is constantly going on, in many sections of the Republic, to elevate the popular standard of education and give to scientific and other efforts a higher and a better aim.
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